Giving a helping hand to those who needs it!

When a child gets access to good environment and food, it can change just about everything

What we are doing

We are on a mission to help the helpless

Become a Volunteer

As a volunteer, you can try your possible best to support a cause you care about by extending your hands to those in need

Health & Medicine

We try as much as possible to see to it that at least we can provide health care programs and medicines to those whom we can extend our hands to.


In Gaza and some other cities and villages, providing at least 70% free education to the less privileged children has been our go-to task for 2025

Join our charity movement

Being an object of change to the Israelis has brought so much happiness to members of my organization and I. Although, anonymity gives us little or no praise from the outside world but the happiness we feel when we put a smile on their faces leaves cannot be bought.

You can help assist us to reach out to more children and people.

Causes we are serving

Provide clean water

We are on a mission to provide good water for 20 communities and cities with Gaza not left out of the picture

Our Target:
$12,000 raised 60%

Free Education

We are on a mission to setup public schools for children and eradicate illiteracy in as many communities as we can 

Our Target:
$20,000 raised 40%

Healthcare Facilities

Making available free clinics and medicines to make antenatal and postnatal care within reach for our mothers

Our Target:
$30.1k raised 35%

Who we are?

The legal definition of a charitable organization (and of charity) varies between countries and in some instances regions of the country. The regulation, the tax treatment, and the way in which charity law affects charitable organizations also vary.

Lets Change The World With Humanity

We love to help all the children that have problems in the world. After 3+ years we have many goals achieved.

Dreams will only remain dreams until action is taken. We took action and we are happy we did. JOIN US TODAY






Team Members